Feed your skin..
Go To Post Feed your skin with fresh fruits natural antioxidants to revive the body’s nutrients: Did you know?Vitamin A: The vitamin necessary for healthy skin. A serious lack or excess intake can cause dry, rough skin, among other problems.
Vitamin C: Known for its antioxidant properties. Photoprotective properties of topically applied vitamin C have also been demonstrated, indicating its use in the prevention and treatment of skin aging. Topical applications of 5% vitamin C cream is an effective treatment, clinically shown to improve photodamaged skin. Try Divinity vitamin C facial elixir is power packed antioxidants, nourishment for skin. 🧬
Vitamin D: Vitamin D has been shown to reverse skin damage, increase wound healing. Vitamin D is produced in the body in response to sunlight, and has been shown to have a beneficial effect on skin repair and hair growth. Vitamin D rarely requires supplementation, and 15 minutes of daily low-sun exposure should stimulate adequate production of this hormone-like vitamin.💦
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. Experiments show that it may protect against the degradation of collagen, and prevent skin damage by environmental insult and aging.***
CoQ10 (Ubiquinone): Internal and topical application of CoQ10 has a beneficial effect of preventing photoaging. CoQ10 penetrates into the viable layers of the epidermis and reduces the level of oxidation. Reduction in wrinkle depth following CoQ10 application has also been shown in clinical trials. CoQ10 prevents oxidative DNA damage and suppresses the degradation of collagen. For more info visit website 🌐www.alchemybotanicallskincare.com @alchemy_botanticalskincare
Vitamin C: Known for its antioxidant properties. Photoprotective properties of topically applied vitamin C have also been demonstrated, indicating its use in the prevention and treatment of skin aging. Topical applications of 5% vitamin C cream is an effective treatment, clinically shown to improve photodamaged skin. Try Divinity vitamin C facial elixir is power packed antioxidants, nourishment for skin. 🧬
Vitamin D: Vitamin D has been shown to reverse skin damage, increase wound healing. Vitamin D is produced in the body in response to sunlight, and has been shown to have a beneficial effect on skin repair and hair growth. Vitamin D rarely requires supplementation, and 15 minutes of daily low-sun exposure should stimulate adequate production of this hormone-like vitamin.💦
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. Experiments show that it may protect against the degradation of collagen, and prevent skin damage by environmental insult and aging.***
CoQ10 (Ubiquinone): Internal and topical application of CoQ10 has a beneficial effect of preventing photoaging. CoQ10 penetrates into the viable layers of the epidermis and reduces the level of oxidation. Reduction in wrinkle depth following CoQ10 application has also been shown in clinical trials. CoQ10 prevents oxidative DNA damage and suppresses the degradation of collagen. For more info visit website 🌐www.alchemybotanicallskincare.com @alchemy_botanticalskincare

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